MyPillow’s Mike Lindell Explains Wild Election Fraud Theory At Rally For Donald Trump

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell spoke at the rally for Donald Trump in Washington D.C., Saturday, and explained a bizarre theory for how the presidency was stolen from Donald Trump as a result of election fraud. 

Lindell explained that Biden got “1.2 votes for every vote,” while Trump got “.66.” He even suggested that there were so many votes for Trump that it “broke the algorithms in the machines.”

From there, he explained that even Fox News helped Biden steal the election: “Why do you think Fox declared Arizona with only 14% of the vote in?” Lindell said. “They were in on it. I’m serious. They had to be in on it. You don’t know this stuff.” He continued to suggest that “they” should go to prison “when they are found out.”

The turn against Fox News is a ripple from a larger rebuking of the Republican Party at large for not doing enough to keep Trump in office. “Destroy the GOP! Destroy the GOP!” the crowd chanted at one point during the rally. 

Melissa Carone, whose testimony regarding election fraud with Rudy Guiliani went viral, also spoke at the rally. 

“I will not give up this fight. I will keep exposing the fraud that I saw. And we will win this,” Carone said. “We will take it back. This was a stolen election.”


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