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GOODNEWS For The Youths As Infinix Launches HOT 12, A Smartphone With Bigger Memory Space, Fast Running, Super Charger

Infinix has today launched its HOT 12, a ground– breaking smartphone that combines durability with fun. The Infinix HOT 12 is powered by an Helio G85 chipset and features a 6.82\” 90Hz Professional Grade Gaming screen for Electronic Sports. It comes equipped battery, an 18W rapid charger, and Darwith a 5000mAh renowned link\’s game optimization engine. A robust and elegant Infinix HOT series smartphone featuring a stylish straightedge design.


“We are continuously committed to designing intelligent smartphones with excellent performance and trendy aesthetics for young consumers, and we will constantly bring the latest, best, and most costeffective products to users. The Infinix HOT 12 has achieved a breakthrough in improved performance, ultra long enduran ce, and trendy aesthetics, which allows young people around the world to express themselves through their smartphones\”, said Eric Zheng, Infinix Product Manager. A BlazingFast Chipset


The MediaTek G85 gaming chipset on the Infinix HOT 12 enables it to run performance ARM Cortex demanding games at higher frame rates, resulting in faster response times and communication connections. Two high A55 cores — A75 cores operating at 2 GHz and six low running at 1.8 GHz comprise the G85 gaming chipsetpower ARM Cortex. Heterogeneous multiprocessing enables the collaboration of all eight cores.

Power All Day Long

The Infinix HOT 12 is equipped with a 5000mAh battery that supports faster charging and ultra power mode for all day use. Customers can enjoy power all day lo highdensity and largeng with a 5000mAh \”Big Mac\” capacity battery. To allow users to focus on their games rather than their battery levels, it features a TypeC interface that allows 18W supercharging with a 50 powerup time.

The Infinix HOT 1 2 has Infinix\’s proprietary battery– minute 50% lasting technology, which extends battery life by about 25% with a single click. With only 5% remaining battery, Ultra Power Mode enables an additional 2.6 hours of use.


Packed With Memory

With 128GB+6GB memory and RAM, the HOT 12 enables users to run many demanding applications concurrently, the transition between apps without lag, and save apps in one location. The latest games have fluid frame rates and lightningfast loading times, giving gamers a huge advant age over prior generations of smartphones. With Infinix\’s proprietary RAM fusion technology, HOT 12 phones can support 5GB RAM extension and up to 11GB of combined RAM, increasing the number of background cached programs from three to nine and significantl y decreasing the average launch time of TOP20 apps by 10% to 50%. The additional RAM provides consumers with additional power when they require it for a fantastic smartphone experience.

Trendy Eyecatching Design

The Infinix HOT 12 is designed in a contemp orary flatedged flagship smartphone style. The device features a 3mm textured finish and sharper lines as a result of the device\’s straightedge design. The geometric exterior is enhanced by a vibrant reflection of light and shadow flowing through it. Rac ing Black, Legend White, and Origin Blue are among the colors available.

The HOT 12 has a rating of 6.82\” and a velvetysmooth 90Hz esports screen. The HOT 12 boasts a fast reaction rate through its 180Hz touch sampling rate, making it ideal for smartpho ne gaming and demanding applications.


Rich Immersive Sound

The HOT 12 now features twin upper and bottom speakers to deliver deep lows, clear mids, and rich crisp highs. Users can enjoy highquality audio while listening to music, watching films online or playing games that allow for the detection of footsteps, giving them an advantage over other phones. The Infinix HOT 12 features an excellent camera and an easy comes equipped with an 8MP AI front camera, a 13MP AI trtouse interface. This smartphone iple rear camera and a powerful , imaging algorithm. Along with a new look and aesthetic chromatic aberration via Smart Scene, the XOS 10 operating system contains tools that help you live a more intelligent life. Its integrated XArena enhances gameplay by centralizing smartphone game apps and enables game boosters to boost performance. Through the Dargame Link\’s optimization technology, a nd. quick option mutes messages and calls during a gaming session, allowing players to focus entirely on the activity at hand

Additional information is available at

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