NSE vows massive campaign against quackery in sector

Chairman, Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Edo State chapter, has said the branch would embark on massive sensitisation campaigns against quackery in the profession with the aim of preventing incessant building collapse and wade off death that may emanate from it in the state.

The NSE state chairman, Engr. Evukowhiroro Ojegba, disclosed this while being inaugurated as the newly elected chairman of the Edo State branch of the NSE.

He said the rate at which buildings collapse nowadays is alarming.

Engr. Ojegba said the reasons there are reported cases of building collapsing here and there, is because quacks have infiltrated the profession.

Ojegba opined that with them coming on board as the new executives of the association, it is not going to be business as usual adding that the body is going to embark on massive sensitisation campaigns to educate the public on how to identify who is a quack and who is a professional in the sector.

“There will be a massive campaign against quackery. It will shake the state, we are coming”, he vowed.

When asked what he is going to do differently in the association, he said “I want to create value to the Nigerian Society of Engineer, Benin branch.

“To also try and do more capital projects. To also put the Nigerian Society of Engineers Benin branch as one of the oldest branch to where it truly belongs to.

“There is a new dawn. My message to my members is that, the engineers in Benin will soon have the value that it deserves, my message to my members is that, the true value of engineers during our tenure, it will come out. It is going be selfless service”.

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