Obinwanne Okeke barred from jobs that grant access to money and bank accounts


Convicted Nigerian fraudster, Obinwanne Okeke has been barredĀ from taking up jobs that can grant him access to money or bank accounts.Ā 


Upon completing his 10 yearĀ jail term in the U.S, theĀ Nigerian entrepreneur who featured on a Forbes cover is also barred from holding posts involving investments.Ā 


In addition to presenting himself before aĀ duly-authorised immigration official of the Department of Homeland Security Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement ā€œfor deportation reviewā€ and restitutingĀ $10.7million proceeds of the crime, Justice Rebecca Smith also ordered that if Okeke is not deported, he is \”prohibited from engaging in any employment where he has access to money or bank accounts and shall not be employed in any capacity involving investment.\”


OtherĀ Ā ā€œspecial conditionsā€ for his supervised release include losing the right to privacy concerning his financial life and \”providing the probation officer access to any requested financial information.ā€


Smith said;Ā 


ā€œIf not deported, the defendant shall participate in the Treasury Offset Programme (TOP) as directed by the probation officer.\”


Premium Times also reported that the Judge also ordered thatĀ if OkekeĀ remains in the U.S. after his jail term, he must ā€œnot incur new credit charges or open additional lines of credit without the approval of the probation officer.ā€


On the restitution order, the convicted fraudster is expected toĀ ā€œapply monies received from income tax refunds, lottery winnings, inheritances, judgment, and any anticipated or unexpected financial gains to the outstanding court-ordered financial obligation, or in a lesser amount to be determined by the court upon the recommendation of the probation officer.ā€


He was also directed to pay forĀ the support of his minor child, a baby girl born in the U.S. about a month before his arrest. The amount to be paid for his minorā€™s support would be as ordered by any social service agency or court of competent jurisdiction.

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