Queen Elizabeth II Won\’t Return To Buckingham Palace As Royal Residence

Queen Elizabeth II Won\’t Return To Buckingham Palace As Royal Residence

The monarch of England Queen Elizabeth is reportedly moving out of Buckingham Palace as her royal residence and won’t return there for the foreseeable future.
Recall that the Queen had moved out of the BP which has always been the her primary residence and a working palace where the monarch spends most of her time since the COVID-19 pandemic began rising in its toll. It was then decided to make Windsor Castle her base until the Coronavirus threat passes.\"\"As reported in The Times over the weekend, Queen Elizabeth who would usually return to Buckingham Palace in October following her summer holiday in Balmoral, Scotland will, however, be heading straight back to Windsor, where she and Prince Philip have been isolating along with a small bubble of staff since March.
Times said the royal correspondent Roya Nikkhah gave the update in a read report, saying, “Queen Elizabeth will continue working from Windsor and is understood to be keen on commuting into London for engagements and events at Buckingham Palace, if it is considered safe for her to do so.”\"\"As Her Majesty left Buckingham Palace in March this year, and likely won’t return until next year at the earliest, it’s believed to be the longest period in her 68-year reign that she’s spent away from her primary residence.
Read also: Queen Elizabeth Makes First Public Appearance Since Coronavirus Lockdown
Staying put in Windsor Castle, the Queen is said to have been riding horses and dialling into video calls at her leisure.
The Queen is said to have been riding horses and dialling into video calls at her leisure
Photos Credit: Getty

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