R. Kelly Ordered to Pay Sex Abuse Victim $300k for Herpes, Psych Treatment

R. Kelly‘s not just going to prison for his sex crimes in New York, but it also looks like he’ll be ordered to pay a fortune to some of his victims … including picking up the tabs to deal with their STDs and their psychological trauma in the aftermath.

There was a restitution hearing in Brooklyn Wednesday, where a judge weighed in on what Kelly will have to cough up, money-wise, to a couple of his victims in that case … in which he’s already been convicted and sentenced to prison.

For a victim named “Jane,” the judge indicated Kelly will be ordered to fork over around $300K to cover treatment related to herpes, as well as psychological care that she apparently requires. Ditto for another victim in that case named “Stephanie,” although a firm number hasn’t been decided in her situation just yet … the judge put a pin in it and will circle back later.

A 3rd victim, “Sonja,” was denied restitution. So, at this point, it looks like Kelly will be on the hook for hundreds of thousands … and possibly more.

Remember, Kelly’s already been handed down a sentence of 30 years behind bars in this case — where he was alleged to have committed federal sex crimes.

He was also recently convicted in his federal case out of Chicago — in which he was accused of similar crimes — and there could be restitution in that case, as well.

In the recent past, Kelly has claimed — through several court filings — that he’s strapped for cash these days … so it remains to be seen if his victims will actually see a penny of what a judge says he has to hand over.

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