Ramadan 2020: Day 27 Quotes, Images, Prayers


Ramadan Day 27 dua. courtsey: Islamic dp

Ramadan fasting has reached day 27 today, June 1st; and here are some chosen quotes, images and Dua (prayers) selected for you and your loved ones.

Ramadan last 10 days odd are mostly the day of Qadr, prayers, good deeds, the charity made during this sacred day are forever granted. Seize the opportunity to remind Allah that you don’t wish to come back next year with this year prayer points.

Ramadan Day 27: Ramadan Quotes

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, always look out for the Night of Decree (Laylatu AlQodir) when Ramadan days are odds I.e, falls among these days 21th, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th.


Ramadan Quotes, Source: Lion of Allah


Ramadan Day 27 quotes: Photo source Lion of Allah

This is the best time to ask Allah to forgive your previous sins, current ones and the future ones. Moist your tongue with ‘Istigfar’ (Astaghfirullah).

Ramadan Day 27: Ramadan Dua (Prayers)

Seek Allah’s guidance when going astray, His protection for you and your loved ones from evils and not to desert you. Supplicates and seek the goodness of this world and hereafter. Ramadan Ramah.


Aisha may Allah be pleased with her. Said, ”I asked the Messanger of Allah: O Messanger of Allah if I know what night is the Night of Qadr. what should I say during it?”

He said: ”O Allah you are pardoning, and you love to pardon so pardon me.”

This is one of the reasons you have to moist your tongue with this dua (prayer) during the odd days of Ramadan.

”Allahumo Inakah hafuhun Kareemu tuhibu L-hafuwa Fahafu hani.”


Courtesy: Pinterest




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Ramadan 2020: Day 27 Quotes, Images, Prayers

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