Sekz & Drug Abuse By Bosses To Junior Staff Reported At Popular TV Station

Sekz & Drug Abuse By Bosses To Junior Staff Reported At Popular TV Station

A lady who works at a popular TV station, Weru TV has revealed how randy bosses who run the station have turned their offices into lodgings, where they engage in sekzual acts with junior staff.

She wrote to a popular website exposing how company events turn into sekz orgies and confirmed that their bosses have been transmitting STDs to the junior staff since they don’t use condoms.

She further narrated how a daughter of one of the junior staff was raped within the station last month.

The rape case is in the police’s hands.

The station’s CEO, John Marete, and his brother called Eric are the lead sekz predators according to the lady.

Here’s what she wrote to the site.

I am a female worker at Weru TV and we are now fed up with our bosses, mainly the CEO and his brother called Eric. They have both turned female workers into their sekz toys, and this has been going on for the past one year till yesterday when one of our colleagues opened up and we realized most of us have been put through the ordeal.

Company events such as drink ups quickly deteriorate into forced sekz, either with the above-named bosses or with their visiting friends or business associates.

The worst of these happened at Slopes Hotel Meru in December 2020, most of us left early after a company dinner but two of our colleagues who were left behind were forced into an orgy with six guys who had visited the station earlier in the day, I cannot recall the name of the agency from which the guys have come from.

The lady in question has had to procure an abortion and even contracted an STD after the ordeal.

There are even instances where you are summoned to the ‘high office’ and on reaching you realize it is a forced sekz session, and you are only left with no choice but to give in to the demands.

The biggest worry now is that one of the two main culprits, the CEO and his brother is sick and seeing how the ‘merry go round’ they have been on is almost complete, we might all have contracted STD’s without knowing, seeing that as most of the times they insist on unprotected sekz.

There have been unconfirmed claims that a daughter to one of our colleagues was also sekzually abused in the precincts of the station last month. She reported to the police and we hope justice shall be served.

We are really struggling to survive in that shit hole of a station since nobody is willing to speak up for fear of losing their jobs.

We pray that this article might get us justice or at the very least, push away these sekzual predators as we seek to pursue greener and safer pastures.

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