Thieves Invade Piers Morgan And Wife Celia\’s Bedroom While They Slept New Thieves Invade Piers Morgan And Wife Celia\’s Bedroom While They Slept 1

Piers Morgan and his wife Celia Walden were burgled while they slept in their French villa. The journalist, who has been married to the Good Morning Britain presenter for ten years, said she woke up on the last day of their holiday to find the house a mess.


 Celia shared that the depraved and despicable thieves took cash and jewelry from their holiday home in Côte d’Azur in the South of France. She explained that the thieves had crept into her self and Piers Morgan’s bedroom while they slept as they stole money from her handbag, which had been on a chair by their bed, and left it in another room.

The police told her that the burglars had left only 15 minutes before she had woken up after they heard her snooze the alarm. Celia said she had woken up at 6:15am on the last day of the holiday after the couple spent the night before packing up their things to return home. She discovered her handbag on the sofa and her jewellery box lying empty beside it.


Police said the thieves had only just left as they dashed out of the villa after hearing her wake up.Celia said: “But then I remembered something that made me feel sick: the up-turned handbag found in the sitting room had originally been on a chair in our bedroom. “They must have crept in there and stood inches away from us while we slept.”

The thieves made off with the money in her purse but left her credit cards and driver’s licence. The jewellery they stole included a ring Piers Morgan bought Celia for their fifth wedding anniversary.“I felt a stomach-plummeting sense of violation at the actions of these depraved and despicable inhuman beings.”
\"\"Photo Credit: Getty

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