Trump Slammed With Criticism After Issuing 26 New Pardons

In just a few weeks, a new President of the United States will be sworn in, but until the day comes that Donald Trump is no longer America’s leader, he’s doing all he can to make sure his friends are out of trouble. This week, there have been many conversations regarding Trump’s pardons, and on Wednesday (December 23), things came to a head when it was reported that the president pardoned 26 of his supporters. According to CNN, those pardons included “longtime ally Roger Stone, former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner’s father, Charles.”


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Following the news, America’s sitting president was blasted with accusations of wielding his power recklessly in order to grant clemency to criminals who just happen to be acquainted with his family. Charles Kushner was prosecuted for “tax evasion, witness tampering and illegal campaign contributions.” GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter received a pardon yesterday, while his wife Margaret was reportedly granted hers today. Last year, Margaret “pleaded guilty… to conspiring ‘knowingly and willingly’ to convert campaign funds for personal use.”

The internet has been vocalizing their displeasure with President Trump’s latest move, but some political insiders have suggested that there are many more pardons from the Trump administration on the horizon. Check out a few reactions below.


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