\’When you attack police stations and free dangerous criminals, you put men, women and livelihoods at risk\’

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has condemned the recent attack of a Nigerian Correctional Services Centre and the Police Headquarters in Imo state. 

Osinbajo who condemned the attack which led to freeing of an unspecified number of prison inmates during his visit to the state on Tuesday April 6, appealed to Imo residents to resist any attempt to turn the progress and peace the state is set, to experience to conflict and disruption. 

The Vice President pointed out that an attack on the critical institutions of law enforcement, police stations, and prisons is an attack on the safety, security, and well-being of the citizens. He added that such action is egregious and atrocious in the extreme, and all men and women of goodwill must openly condemn this assault on the way of life of the good people of the state. 

“We must reject any attempt to portray these criminal elements as anything other than representatives of their own malice and hatred. They do not represent the good people of this state and this geopolitical zone. 

“And I call on all of us to come together to resist any attempt to turn the progress and peace that this zone is set to experience to conflict and disruption.

“An attack on the critical institutions of law enforcement, police stations, and prisons is an attack on the safety, security, and well-being of the citizens. It is not merely an assault on law and order, it is a mindless attack on the people and our way of life.

“When you attack police stations and free dangerous criminals, you put men, women, children, and their possessions and livelihoods at risk. Whatever the motives of the perpetrators, this action is egregious and atrocious in the extreme, and all men and women of goodwill must openly condemn this assault on the way of life of the good people of the state. 

“The security in this city and the State has, since yesterday, been further enhanced and we are set to strengthen security capacity even more here.

“I want to commend the Governor of the State for his calm, measured, but firm handling of the security situation in the State. The Federal Government stands with you and the great people of Imo State at this crucial time.\”

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